3 Business Metrics to Track every 30 days

business planning referrals Mar 15, 2021

Today while I write this blog I have my little notepad next to me and on this notepad are three ways you can grow your business every month. 

First, I want you to look at your clients results and ask yourself if you should be broadcasting those results with people who are currently in your program. I have talked to many coaches who don't tell people about their clients success stories. I want you to stop doing this, and start marketing your clients results with every one! The more people who know you the more they can start to trust your program.  

Second,  at the very end of each month I want you to count how many sales calls you made that month. I want you to look through google voice or look through your phone and see how scheduled calls you made to prospects. If that answer is zero then I expect you won't grow your business that much. I want you to spend more time talking to clients and prospects about your business.  

Third, I want you to see...

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