I have a great question here from a coach.
Before I get into too much detail here this is going to apply to you if you already have clients and you feel that your time is being sucked away from you because you're spending all your time training your clients and zero time with your family and personal life.
Here's the question:
"Hey Ben, I'm making around 10,000/month right now and I have 50 clients who are paying me 200/each. I'm currently doing 25 sessions per week and I have no time to spend with my family because I get home late. What can I do to improve my situation"
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This is where I'm going to give you a very simple process to think about and this all comes down to business strategy. So, the first thing that we need to do is establish what are your off days going to be?
After you've worked that out you have to then work out what are your set days and times that you...
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