This Mom said my price was "WAYYYY too PRICEY!!"

Today I want to dig into a question I saw that is very common with many coaches and it's something that I have already experienced with my own coaching business. I've seen this happen to me in the past and yesterday this coach reached out and said..

"Hey Ben, I'm having a hard time dealing with prospects over the phone who think that my program is too expensive and don't want to commit" 

 When you encounter people like this it should teach you two things about your business: 

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First, if you get a response like this the first thing I want you to find out- is this person a good fit for your program or not? If they can't commit to your program then you won't be able to help them and on the back end of that each time you speak to a prospect over the phone you have to understand that not all prospects will join your program. 

Each day I look at the stats in my business and I look...

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