Why Clinics are PERFECT for Prospects You can't close into monthly programming

clinics prospects Feb 24, 2021

Hey coach,

Now, one thing I've seen that has really taken off over the past couple of months with coaches that we help in our Boardroom Mastermind consulting program are clinics. 

These coaches are starting to put together monthly clinics for clients who cannot commit to a weekly training program.

When you set up monthly clinics in your business this will give any person you talk to over the phone that can't commit to your full weekly program an option to still train with you. 

I feel this is going to be a great option for you if you cannot get clients committing to weekly training. Children's Team Building on Green Grassland


A very simple system that you can implement in your business is to schedule all your monthly clinics. 

When you have your monthly clinics scheduled out this will give your prospects on your sales calls more offers and options to choose from when you try to close them into your program. 

When you give your prospects multiple offers and options to choose from there is a higher chance of closing them into a program you offer monthly. 

If you need more help with this I want you to check out our Digital Course Bundle that will help you start, grow and scale your sports coaching business in the next 90-days. 

-Speak soon, 




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